Gulliverfs Travel: His Voyage to Lilliput

                                                            Original: Jonathan Swift
                                                                  Script: Naoto Murai


     This episode was written about 300 years ago. Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) wrote this story,
Gulliverfs Travels, in which he developed an amazing plot. For example, Gulliver traveled to Lilliput
(a country where midgets live), Brobdingnag (conversely, a country where giants live), and so on.
These fantastic stories might have been loved by the contemporary English. Swift was said to
have satirized the English social or political conditions at that time. Anyway, we will guide you to
the midgetsf country at the era of 300 ago.

                                                         Act T


     My name is Gulliver. I was born in England, and I am a doctor. I was on board the ship of the
Antelope, and its crew wrecked on the way to the South Sea. The accident happened on November 5,

(Gulliver is bound up. He awakes.)

Gulliver:     Where am I? My body is completely stuck.
              (The sun rises.) How bright! (He rubs his eyes.)
              What are they? They are midgets, arenft they? They are just 15
           centimeters tall. (A midget shoots an arrow.) Help me!
(The midget runs away soon.)
Midget :      Hekinah degul. Hekinah degutl.
Gulliver:     Ifve got into trouble. I have to escape as soon as possible.
(When Gulliver moved his body, the rope strapping its upper half comes loose, and he tries to catch
the midget.) 
(The midget makes desperate efforts to run away from him.)
Midget:@     Borach mivola!  Borach mivola!  Borach mivola!
(He runs away and prepares to shoot an arrow.)
Midget:       Tolgo phonac! (He shoots some arrows.)
 (Some of them hit Gulliverfs face.)
Gulliver:     gOuch! It will get serious if one of the arrows hits my eye. Ifll behave well.
Midget:       gLangro dehul san. . Langro dehul san. Langro dehul san.h
(The Midget cuts the rope fastening Gulliver, and lets him free.)
Gulliver:     Ifd like to eat something. (Gulliver gestures his will.)
(Midget brings some food like meat, bred and wine. Gulliver eats them all.)
Gulliver:     Ifm full. All of it was good. Thank you very much.
Midget:      Hekinah degul. Hekinah degutl. (He is glad and claps his hands.)

                                                    Act U

(The king of Lilliput is standing. Gulliver is still fastened with an about two-meter chain.)
Gulliver:     I wonder what languages they understand. Ifll try to speak all the ones I
            know. How are you? Wie gehtes ihnen? Konnichiha?
(The king cannot understand his languages at allCand he just put his head to one side.)
Gulliver:     I cannot but give up. Itfs hopeless.
(The center curtain is stretched.)
(In the hall of the palace)
Finance Minister:     If we go on giving food to that big man, ours will run out soon.
King:         Finance Minister, why donft you starve him to death by not giving any
Finance Minister:     Oh, no. Itfs a reckless idea! Ifm afraid that he will behave
            violently when he becomes hungry..
King:         Just think hard about it. What would the man be like if he died? Where
            can we throw him away? What shall we do if his body goes bad and
            infectious diseases spread around my country?
Finance Minister:     Oh, no. How embarrassing! How can we dispose of him?
Midget:        Your Majesty the King! Some time ago, we arrested the people who 
            played a trick on the Man-Mountain. When I asked him of their treatment,
            the Man-Mountain was generous enough to forgive them.
King:           Really? He forgave my people, didnft he? He does not seem to be so
            bad. Ifll save the Man-Mountainfs life in consideration of his good conduct.
     This is how Gulliver had a narrow escape. He learned the language of Lilliput, so he
came to speak it soon, and he was called Quinbus Flestrin, the Man-Mountain, before they
know. Gulliver later knew that this country was Lilliput.

                                                  Act V

Gulliver:       Your Imperial Majesty, let me completely free.
King:          OK. Ifll let you free, but on condition that you keep the following            
            regulations. Ministry of the Navy, read them.
Ministry of the Navy:     Certainly, sir.
                         First, The Man-Mountain shall not go out of the country
                      without permission.
                         2 nd, The Man-Mountain shall not enter the capital without
                         3rd. The Man-Mountain shall not walk except on the wide                                                                 
                         4th. The Man-Mountain shall be careful not to step on 
                      people, carts, cattle and so on.
                         5th. The Man-Mountain shall be obliged to carry the king
                      in his inside pocket in an emergency.
                         6th. When a war happens between Lilliput and Blefuscu,
                      the Man-Mountain shall be obliged to help Lilliput.
                         7th. The Man-Mountain shall help to construct parks or
                      large buildings.
                         If the Man-Mountain obeys these articles, the king will
                      give him meat of sixty cows and forty sheep, bread and drink
                      everyday, and the Man-Mountain is allowed to meet his Majesty
Gulliver:     I swear by God.
King:                   Then, Ifll let you free.
Gulliver:                Thank you very much, your Imperial Majesty.


     After that, Gulliver was taken to the capital with sleeping because of sleeping pills in
the wine he had drunk. The work to carry him was a serious matter. It was said that more
than 22 carts 200 by 100 by 7 centimeters were ready. They pulled Gulliver onto the carts
by using 80 poles which were 30 centimeters high and many pulleys. It seemed to have
taken 900 strong men 3 hours. Furthermore, they said that it had taken 1,500 horses an
hour and a half to get to the capital which was located 1 kilometers far. Anyway, Gulliver
managed to arrive at the capital.

Minister of the Navy:    By the way, we have something to help us at once. To tell the
                      truth, my country and Blefuscu have been fighting each other
                      for no less than three years. The point at issue is whether we
                      should break the pointed part of an egg first or the round part of
                      it first.
Gulliver:                 Are you fighting each other for such a foolish reason? How
Minister of the Navy:     But we lost 40 warships and 30,000 soldiers. So you should
                      help us by observing the 7th article.
Gulliver:                I see. Ifll bring all the warships to the enemy.
Minister of the Navy:    Thank you very much.

                                               Act W@

     Gulliver went to Blefuscu and captured all the battleships. The country seemed to be
terribly confused then. It was said no less than 30,000 people who were on board jumped into
the sea from their ships.

Ministry of the Navy:    Well done, Quinbus Flestrin!
Finance Minister:        May Lilliput be forever!
King:                   You shall have the most honorable rank in this country called
                      a Nardac.
Gulliver:                My pleasure.
King:                   By the way, I hope that you will capture all the ships as well
                      as battleships.
Gulliver:                Your idea is wrong. I cannot but come out against your      @@@@@@@
(The king gets angry)
King:                   Wonft you follow my order? Ifm sure you will be punished
(Dark change)
Midget:                  Please escape from here as soon as possible, Man-Mountain.
Gulliver:                 Why?
Midget:                  They have decided that they will kill you with poison.
Gulliver:                 Terrible! Ifll lose no time in escaping, but how can I escape?
Midget:                  You should go to Blefuscu, and try to consult with them.
Gulliver:                 Thank you, my Midget. Ifll go over to Blefuscu then.
(Dark change)
The separation between Gulliver and midgets


     Gulliver went to Blefuscue, and told them his idea. He asked them to mend his
boat so he could go back to Great Britain. The King of Blefuscu was very friendly and
accepted his suggestion. Moreover, he gave him 50 pouches with gold coins, a portrait
of the King, one living cow, one living sheep, the meat of 100 cattle and 300 sheep, much
bread and water. Gulliver left the port of Blefuscu for Great Britain on September 24,

                                                      The End

Copyright (c) 2003 by Naoto Murai