A Tragedy of an Elementary School Student




‡T.  Introduction: An Unprecedented Murder Case by a Schoolgirl

‡U.  Families of the Victim and Wrongdoer

A.      The Victim Satomifs Family

B.      Schoolgirl Afs Family

‡V.  The Mass Media

A.        Battle Royale

B.        Schoolgirl Afs Hope to be a Novelist

C.        TV Dramas


‡T.  Introduction: An Unprecedented Murder Case by a Schoolgirl


      A news-shattering event in which an 11-year-old schoolgirl murdered a 12-year-old a

schoolgirl with a cutter, severing her carotid artery, occurred at a small-scale

elementary school in Sasebo City in Nagasaki Prefecture on June 1, 2004. The victim

was Satomi Mitarai, whose father, Kyoji Mitarai (45 years old), was the manager of the

Sasebo branch office of the Mainichi Shimbun. This event gave many Japanese a rude

shock on account of the two peculiar characteristics: the cruelty of the act above all and

the fact that the victimfs father was a journalist of a famous Japanese newspaper.

     The event happened during lunch time, gKyushoku-No-Jikan.h In Japan, all

schoolchildren in public high school eat the same meal provided by the government,

although their parents share the cost. When a class teacher, Yoshinori Murasato

(35 years old), noticed that two schoolgirls were missing from the classroom at about

twelve 12:35 p.m.; a schoolgirl, who was a classmate of the victim, appeared in front of

her teacher and classmates stained with blood. She said to them, gThis is not my blood!h

When the teacher shook her, asking for details, she pointed toward a study room, which

was not under school control and which anyone at that school could enter.  In the study

room, the schoolteacher found Satomi Mitarai lying on the floor. About a liter of blood

was spilt around her. He was so confused that he tried to stop the bleeding from Satomifs

left hand without noticing the injuries to her neck. After another schoolteacher carried

the body to the school infirmary, a school nurse took her pulse but discovered the victim

was dead. Most of the schoolteachers were in shock.

     In connection with the peculiar characteristic, the Ministry of Education, Science,

Culture and Sports stated that there was no precedent for a murder case where one

schoolgirl murdered another schoolgirl at school. As the Ministry said, this event had

some extremely important implications which cannot be avoided. There are complicated

circumstances behind the event, such as education, the families, media, school education

and the local community. Analyzing the dark part of the wrongdoerfs spirit and her

motives for murder will help us to avoid similar events in the future.


‡U.  Families of the Victim and Wrongdoer

     In the murder case of Satomi Mitarai, her father met the press before he had full

information about the incident feeling responsibility to his occupation as a journalist.

In the interview, he not only referred to his daughter but also his self-reflections on

his way of bringing her up. As a result, much information about the victim was made

public. Watching the fatherfs interview, the writer felt what a man of integrity the

victimfs father was.

     When such serious incidents caused by young people happen, the writer always feels

a kind of contradiction about the standards regarding the privacy of wrongdoers versus

victims. Although the name, picture and the parentsf occupation of the victims always

appear in newspapers or on TV, most information about the wrongdoers is not announced

in order to respect their privacy. To sum up, a victim of a serious incident such as a

murder case is exposed to double damage, which is that a family member was killed and

their privacy was violated.


A.  The Victim Satomifs Family

               The minimum information regarding the victim in protecting her privacy should be

         introduced here so as to understand the incident better. Ryoji Mitarai, the father, graduated

         from Kyushu University, a national university, and entered the Mainichi Shimbun in 1981.

         As mentioned above, Ryoji Mitarai is still an active journalist. He lived with two sons, one

        attends a university and the other is a junior high student and Satomi. He married his wife

        in 1983, but she died from cancer three years ago, so he was transferred to the Sasebo branch

        in order to support his family in 2002. Unexpectedly, the shocking incident happened here

        in Sasebo City which he had selected as a place where he can live peacefully.


B.  Schoolgirl Afs Family

     The information of the wrongdoerfs family is not as clear as that of the victim. (The writer

will call the wrongdoer Schoolgirl A anonymously.) As mentioned above, Schoolgirl A has

not been identified. According to her lawyers, her 45-year-old father said that his daughter

was cheerful and had been brought up without any troubles. Can it this really be so? Is it

normal for an 11-year-old girl to kill a classmate? It is the very recognition of the father

that should be brought into question.

     According to Shukan Shincho (June 17, 2004), the wrongdoerfs house stands on a small

hill, which is about thirty minutes by car from downtown Sasebo City. Her family name

seems to be very well-known around there. She lives with her parents, a grandmother and
      a senior high school sister. Her mother, who is one year senior to her father, works as a part-

timer, and her grandmother is vigorous enough that she can work. Although her father

previously worked at an insurance company, he suffered from a cerebral infarction about

seven years ago. However, he recovered from his condition, and he now works as a part-timer

at a company to serve small damp towels. He is from the Nishi-Izu region of Shizuoka

Prefecture and married into the family of his bride.

     In connection of the incident, Schoolgirl A was interested in mini-basketball and belonged

to the mini-basketball club in Okubo Elementary School. Shukan Bunshun (June 17, 2004)

reported that the club was so strong that it won a victory in a regional meet. Although

Schoolgirl A hoped to be a member of the club, her parents ordered her to quit the club in

December last year. Her parents made their daughter quit the club so that she could prepare

for the entrance exam of a private junior high school integrated with a high school. At the

end of December, Schoolgirl A said to the manager of the club crying, gI must quit the club

because my mother told me not to play basketball.h After that, her school life changed

suddenly. In particular, a feud between Schoolgirl A and her mother concerning the

mini-basketball club seems to have been one of the main causes of the murder case because

she wrote on her homepage on February 18, 2004 as follows, gAlthough all of us would say

that we wish to have been orphans, it is strange because my parents have died and they

have already disappeared from the world. c The time when I had a good time is impossible

to bring back. Even when I was scolded by my parents, it was fun.h Why did she write such

passages, as gMy parents passed awayh on her homepage? Her description gave the writer

a glimpse of her severe dissatisfaction toward her parents; in particular, her mother.

Although there seems to be certainly much information which is hidden, the passages on

the homepage may be an important clue to solve a part of Schoolgirl Afs darkness.


‡V.  The Mass Media

             The mass media itself is neither positive nor negative, but neutral in its value judgments.

      Sometimes TV is useful, and sometimes it is harmful to children. As a matter of course, excellent

      programs should be recommended for children, but vulgar ones should not. Not only TV

      programs but also movies and videos can be dangerous. In particular, horror movies are

      extremely dangerous for children to watch, although movie critics assert that horror movies do

     not cause people to commit crimes. Although this may be true of adults, it probably does not

     apply to children. In fact, the schoolgirl who murdered Satomi directly imitated a technique of

     murder which had been broadcast on a TV program a few days earlier. In addition, her favorite

     book was gBattle Royale,h and she had borrowed its DVD a month before. gBattle Royale,h which

     was made into a movie, received criticism because it must be extremely harmful to children.

    The murder case in Sasebo City clearly proved that the disadvantageous aspects of the mass c

    ontributed to this vicious juvenile crime.


A.  Battle Royale

             The movie gBattle Royaleh was produced by the late Kinji Fukasaku (1935-2003) in 2003.

     From the first, it was ill spoken of on account of its violent characteristics. The plot of the movie

     is a death-game in which junior high students in the 50 classes arbitrarily chosen by the

     imaginary government of Daitoa Kyowakoku (Daitoa Republic) in 1997 have to kill each other

     in a block of a class to the end, and only a student who survived can return home. In the movie,

     the scene of murder was extremely realistically depicted. For that reason, the problem of the

     movie was taken up in a Diet session. Despite unfavorable criticism, gBattle Royaleh was a great

     box-office success because it gained a lot of publicity in the media, although people felt

     misgivings about the violent aspects of the movie. People were anxious about bad influences

     which it might have on young people.

       However, a director Kinji Fukasaku, rejecting the criticism of his movie, bragged about

his view of movies in a TV interview, gHow do you know what is a good movie when you havenft

watched any good movies?h Indeed, what is a good movie? In order to explore this point, the

writer compared Kinji Fukasakufs gBattle Royaleh with Roman Polanskifs gThe Pianist.h

Judging from the comparison, you will understand what a good movie is. (If you want to read

the essay gRoman Polanski and Kinji Fukasaku,h please refer to the writerfs homepage:

Edmond-Club, http://www5.ocn.ne.jp/~edmond/ .) At that time, Fukasaku believed that his

movie was a masterpiece, and some movie-critics stated that the violence of the movie would

not cause juvenile serious crimes. Their argument was that people who watched horror-movies

did not become criminals. However, it appears that gBattle Royaleh encouraged the

schoolgirl A to murder her friend in the Sasebo incident. As, just before the incident, she had

put a novel she was writing, imitating gBattle Royale,h on her homepage. These facts show

we cannot deny that such movies, especially those which show children committing violence,

do lead to vicious juvenile crimes. (The English version of gBattle Royaleh is Koushun Takami:

Battle Royale, translated from the Japanese by Yuji Oniki, VIZ. LLC, 1999)


B.  Schoolgirl Afs Hope to be a Novelist

       Schoolgirl Afs hope was to be a novelist. Although she is only eleven years old, she wrote

some short novels. One of them was Sasebo-Koma-Wo-Mawashite (Spinning Sasebo Top).h

A character in the novel, a public schoolteacher in his forties pointed out that the more

intimate friends are, the ruder they become. The contents and style of the writing show

precociousness and even talent.

     She wrote four essays, one of which was Murasaki-Dokuro-No-Noroi (Curse of the Purple

Skull) about an occult art, on her homepage, imitating Akuma-No-Juho-Zensho (A

Compendium of Devilsf Spells) [Hutami Shobo Inc.]. One sentence in the essay read,

gYou should put horrible spells of the murasaki skull on enemies who have made a fool of

you if you want to manipulate them.h

      Also, she published on her homepage Battle Royale \ Sasayaki (a Whisper) \,

which consisted of more than 3000 words, referring to Koushun Takamifs Battle Royale.

The whole novel was reported in the Japanese weekly Shukan-Gendai on June 26, 2004.

This short novel was just like an incomplete work, but its style and contents were

comparatively remarkable for her age. In writing this novel, however, she seemed to be

moving toward a real world of horror from the imaginary one.

      The writer could not help being surprised at the titles of her essays: Sasebo-Koma-

Wo-Mawashite (Spinning Sasebo Top), Murasaki-Dokuro-No-Noroi (Curse of the Purple

Skull) and Battle Royale \ Sasayaki (a Whisper) \ because she seemed to know

intuitively the modern peoplefs minds in a pathological state. Her unusual concentration

on bottomless and fearful matters was beyond the mental level of an eleven-year-old

schoolgirl. It might have been possible to say that she was almost gmad.h Please

remember Schoolgirl Afs hopes in the future now. She wanted to be a novelist. Her

extraordinary character might have helped her to become a novelist in her teens

because abnormality seems to be the main current of the recent literary world.

      Hitomi Kanehara, who is a twenty-year-old woman, is a good example of a young

writer whose words are abnormal, and who has achieved recognition. She wrote

Hebi-Ni-Piasu (A Split Tongue and Pierced Earrings), and won the Akutagawa prize,

one of the most famous literary awards in Japan. The novel has an eccentric story,

in which Rui, a 19-year-old woman part-time worker, meets a man, Ama, whose tongue

is split like a snake, so she also tries to imitate Ama by making the holes of her pierced

earrings larger. Despite the popularity of the novel, the writer found it extremely

unpleasant, so he read only a few passages at the beginning. Reading such literature

was a first experience for him. He felt how fearful this novel was. Although Ryu

Murakami, one of the selection members, praised it, the writer could not understand

the value of the novel at all.

     In addition, it is strange that Kaneharafs negative experiences in her youth seem

to be selling points for her literature. She quit school in the fourth-grade. Later she

returned to school, but she left senior high in mid-course, and became a part-time

worker. Although she was an outsider, she succeeded in her life as a rising novelist

while she was young. Although such stories seem heroic, is her unusual biography

a model of success for young people? If Schoolgirl A had aimed to be another Hitomi

Kanehara, she would have fulfilled two points as a rising writer; one, she was

maladjusted, and two, the contents of her novel are almost beyond human

understanding. There are no signs that Schoogirl A imitated Hitomi Kanehara, but

she was influenced by Battle Royale, which is equally gruesome. Battle Royale

certainly did not set a good example for Schoolgirl A.


C.  TV Drams

           The school board of Nagasaki Prefecture published a 26-page interim report on

      the murder case on August 2, 2004. The report referred to three subjects which were

      at  the core of the matter; one was the influence of cruel scenes from horror novels;

      another was the educational surroundings of the classroom where the incident

     happened; and the last was the problems of Schoolgirl Afs family. The influence of

     gcruel scenesh on a low-age bracket such as elementary school students is extremely

     problematic. In this section the problem of influence from media is taking up.

          The problem of movies or novels with cruelty in them is a reality which should not

     be overlooked in a society where both young and old are affected by the mass media.

     According to the interim report, it is clear that Schoolgirl A committed the murder

     partly as a result of the influence from some horror movies. Not only novels and

     movies but also TV dramas seem to have been one of the main causes of her crime.

     In fact, a TV drama which had been broadcast a few days earlier, whose lead part was

     played by Maki Mizuno (a popular Japanese actress), gave Schoolgirl A the hint to

     kill a person with a cutter. The report by the school board of Nagasaki Prefecture

     clearly wrote that Schoolgirl A cut at the victimfs neck, blindfolding her with her

     left hand (Cf., Ibid., p. 12). This technique was similar to one which had been broadcast

     in the said TV program. Schoolgirl A certainly imitated the manner of undertaking

     the murder. After the program performed by Maki Muzuno was broadcast, some TV

     programs where murder were depicted were canceled because of this murder case.

          Although some people say that TV programs have no relation to murder cases,

     Schoolgirl Afs murder case shows their opinions are not true. No one should make

     light of bad influences from the media in cartoons, movies and novels. In particular,

     it is the responsibility of adults to protect children from such harmful media. In@

   the case of Schoolgirl A, why did her parents allow her to watch a TV drama full of

     grueling scenes of violence broadcast at 9 pm? Did she watch it alone or with her family?

     Schoolgirl A murdered her classmate a few days later imitating the event in the TV

     drama. Didnft her parents notice her reaction to the program? If they had noticed they

     might have known how to help her. To be more precise, Schoolgirl Afs parents must

     have ignored that she was affected by horror movies and novels. Her parents should

     have been conscious of how to protect their child from the harmful aspects of the mass



Copyright (C) 2004 by Edmond N. Beard