Fair Reports for Israel

     What do people and countries in the world think of Israel? It is true that there is an endless feud
between the Arab States and Israel, which is based on everlasting, religious antagonism, but the present
 situation in Palestine is nothing but abnormal. In the writerfs point of view, the reports on Israel seem
to be slightly biased. For instance, according to the general tendency of the Japanese media, Palestinians
are a weak and pathetic people but Israel is a strong military and financial power. According to the opinion
column of the Asahi (June 5, 2002) written by Rutsu Kakiuchi, an official guide of the Israeli Ministry of
Tourism, suicide-bombing terrorism happened over 70 times for the last 20 months. A defect of reports by
 the Japanese media is to overcome outrageous cruelty and horror of suicide bombing terrorism, although
someone says ghomicide bombing terrorism.h Which, do you suppose, is more shocking, military attack or
suicide bombing terrorism? As a matter of fact, it may be impossible to answer this type of question, but
the media should impartially report the destructive power of ganalogh tactics (suicide bombing) as well as
that of gdigitalh one (Israeli Army offensives). Troops usually limit places and people to attack. However,
suicide terrorism never worries about them. Suicide terrorists wish to kill as many people as possible not
taking thought of civilians and children. It is possible in Israel that bombs blow up anytime and anywhere.
 Not exceptional, but ordinary men commit suicide bombing in public places such as shopping centers, bus
stops, dance halls and movie theaters. The writer wonders which killed more persons, Israeli Army offensives
 or suicide bombing terrorism. Although the heavily equipped Israeli army looks more threatening than private
suicide bombing terrorism, the latter is more effective than the former as regards to giving sacrifice and
threat. Suicide bombing is indiscriminate. Since Arabs are backed up by their faith, there is nothing as
frightening as their homicide as their religious acts. All Israelis, containing women, children, elderly persons
and noncombatants, are the targets of their assaults. In addition, they do not select time or places to attack.
 Israel is just like hell on earth. So, the media should report this reality to all people in the world as what it is.
 In particular, the Japanese media should try to report the serious situation of the present Israel fairly and

Copyright (c) 2002 by Edmond N. Beard